February 2025
Welcome New Club Officers
Our new commodore, Terry Smaystria did a great job presiding over the general meeting. Welcome Dan Calestini as the new rear commodore and Joseph Pasqual as a new board member.
This was the last time you could pay your dues. The next board meeting will be Thurs. Feb. 13 and we will see how many vacancies we will have. Letters will go out to the prospective new members and their sponsors for the number of openings we have. They both will have to report to the next general meeting on Mar. 6 to be introduced and voted on for acceptance.
Board Meeting Minutes
Four prospective new members were introduced; Bob introduced Andy Anderson, Raul Magana introduced Raul Losoya, Arturo Berumen introduced Nicholas Berumen, and Robert Kincheloe introduced Dan Doane. We now have 18 new member applications.
During Bob’s Port Captain report he reported that a consultant group from Fresno area was going to charge $1500 to come and assess the slippage of the ramp and club house. It was decided to cancel their appointment and use a firm Dana Hooper is familiar with. The board left it to Bob to set up an appointment.
Kitchen Report
Larry felt that the dinner sponsors may be buying a little too much food for the dinners. We will try to have an estimate of the number of people coming to the dinner so we can let the sponsor know. For the meat dinners he is asking that they only buy enough meat for 125
participants. For all the dinners, please get your reservations in early (beginning the Sunday before the dinner) so we can give the sponsors a good estimate of the number attending.
The next dinner on Feb. 15 is Dana’s Prime Rib dinner. He is planning on the prime rib, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls and desert. Because this is such a popular dinner, reservations will be limited to two spots for each club member until Wed. Feb. 12 at 5:00 p.m. After that time a member will be able to add up to 4 guests to their reservation. You can email me your reservation (dixonboatclub@gmail.com) or text me at 707-592-4395. If you text me, please include your name. Reservations are limited to 125 participants.
Dana asked for help for the dinner (916-343-9732) or Larry (707-365-2134). They can use help at 8:00a.m. cleaning the club house and setting up the tables. Dana asked for one or two people at 11:00 and several more at 12:30 to help with the food preparations and then serving. As always we will need help with clean up. This is a good chance to get your work hours in early for the year.
Rosie’s Mexican Fiesta is the next dinner scheduled for March 15.
Bob reported that with all rain and High water the slough handled it well. Seems that the new weirs and levy system was working.
REMINDER AGAIN – as of Jan 1, 2025 all people operating a motorized boat must have a Calif. Boater’s card. The website for more info is – californiaboatercard.com. They have all
the info and test that you will need.
Next Fish Derby is Feb. 22, breakfast at 6:00 and fishing begins at 7:00